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读音:[ˈeɪ oʊ ɛl]




1. 美国在线(AOL)是一个全球知名的互联网服务供应商。

2. AOL是一种允许用户通过电话线接入互联网的计算机网络服务提供商。

3. AOL是一种常用的电子邮件服务提供商。

4. AOL是一家提供即时通讯服务的公司。

5. AOL是一家提供在线娱乐、新闻和信息服务的公司。


1. I used to have an AOL email address, but now I use Gmail.(我曾经有一个AOL的邮箱地址,但现在我用Gmail。)

2. AOL was one of the most popular internet service providers in the 1990s.(AOL是20世纪90年代最受欢迎的互联网服务提供商之一。)

3. My mom still uses AOL for her email even though there are many other options available.(尽管有很多其他选择,但我妈妈仍然使用AOL作为她的电子邮件。)

4. The AOL Instant Messenger was a popular way to chat with friends before the rise of social media.(在社交媒体兴起之前,AOL即时通讯是与朋友聊天的一种流行方式。)

5. I remember spending hours on AOL chat rooms talking to people from all over the world.(我记得在AOL的聊天室里花了很多时间和来自世界各地的人聊天。)


1. AOL account(AOL账号)

例句:She forgot her password for her AOL account and couldn't log in.(她忘记了AOL账号的密码,无法登录。)

2. AOL email(AOL邮箱)

例句:My grandfather still uses his AOL email address even though he has a smartphone.(尽管已经有智能手机了,但我祖父仍然使用他的AOL邮箱地址。)

3. AOL Instant Messenger(AOL即时通讯)

例句:I used to spend all my free time on AOL Instant Messenger chatting with friends.(我过去所有的空闲时间都花在AOL即时通讯上和朋友聊天。)

4. AOL dial-up(AOL拨号上网)

例句:In the early days of the internet, many people used AOL dial-up to connect to the web.(在互联网的早期,很多人使用AOL拨号上网来连接网络。)

5. AOL news(AOL新闻)

例句:I get my daily news from AOL because they have a wide range of sources.(我从AOL获取每日新闻,因为他们有众多的信息来源。)
