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Alenconnes的中文翻译是什么 - 知道吗?

1. 读音

Alenconnes (ælənˈkɒnz)

2. 词性


3. 中文翻译和网络释义



4. 例句及用法

1. The town of Alenconnes is famous for its lace industry.


2. I bought a beautiful lace dress made in Alenconnes.


3. My grandmother taught me how to make lace using the traditional Alenconnes techniques.


4. The Alenconnes lace is known for its intricate designs and high quality.


5. There is a museum in Alenconnes dedicated to showcasing the history of lace making.


5. 短语搭配

1. Alenconnes lace


例句:The bride wore a gorgeous wedding dress adorned with Alenconnes lace.


2. Alenconnes lace industry


例句:The decline of the Alenconnes lace industry has had a significant impact on the local economy.


3. Alenconnes lace maker


例句:My aunt is a skilled Alenconnes lace maker.


4. Alenconnes lace design


例句:The Alenconnes lace design features intricate floral patterns.


5. Alenconnes lace museum


例句:During my visit to Alenconnes, I spent a few hours exploring the Alenconnes lace museum.


6. 结尾

