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AOQ的读音是 [ ˈeɪəʊkjuː ]




网络释义:AOQ是“Ask One Question”的缩写,意思是只询问一个问题。


1. I have an AOQ for you: What is the capital of France?


2. Can I ask you an AOQ? How do you pronounce this word?


3. Remember, you can only ask one question, so make it count!


4. I'm participating in a game show where I have to answer AOQs.


5. The teacher allowed us to ask an AOQ at the end of the lesson.



1. Ask One Question

例句:We played a game where each person could only Ask One Question.


2. AOQ session

例句:During the AOQ session, students had the opportunity to ask their burning questions.


3. AOQ game

例句:The AOQ game was a fun way to test our knowledge on various topics.


4. AOQ challenge

例句:I took on the AOQ challenge and tried to come up with the most thought-provoking question.


5. AOQ round

例句:In the final AOQ round, the contestants had to answer questions within a limited time frame.

