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读音:/ˈeɪ vi əl ˈbi/


中文翻译:可变长度桥(Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge)


  • AVLB是由坦克改装的机动桥梁,用于在战场上提供临时通过河流、沟壑或其他障碍物的能力。
  • AVLB是一种工程车辆,它可以快速展开和收起一座移动桥梁,在军事行动中起到极为重要的作用。


  1. The AVLB was deployed to quickly bridge the river and allow the armored vehicles to cross.
  2. AVLBs are essential for military operations that require rapid movement and bridging capabilities.
  3. The AVLB system can be operated by a small crew and can deploy a bridge in a matter of minutes.
  4. During the exercise, the AVLB successfully crossed a wide trench with its extendable bridge.
  5. The AVLB proved its effectiveness in enhancing the mobility of armored units during combat.


  1. AVLB被部署用于快速架桥,让装甲车辆可以通过河流。
  2. 在需要快速移动和架桥能力的军事行动中,AVLB是不可或缺的。
  3. AVLB系统可以由一个小组操作,几分钟内就可以展开一座桥梁。
  4. 在演习中,AVLB成功地通过了一条宽阔的沟渠,使用了其可伸缩的桥。
  5. AVLB在增强装甲部队机动性方面证明了其有效性。


  1. deploy an AVLB(部署一台AVLB)
  2. operate an AVLB(操作一台AVLB)
  3. bridge obstacles with AVLB(使用AVLB架桥)
  4. AVLB capability(AVLB能力)
  5. AVLB unit(AVLB部队)


  1. The engineers were able to deploy an AVLB within minutes, allowing the troops to quickly cross the river.(工程兵能够在几分钟内部署一台AVLB,让部队迅速越过河流。)
  2. The crew trained extensively to operate the AVLB efficiently in various terrains.(机组人员在各种地形中进行了大量训练,以有效地操作AVLB。)
  3. The AVLB can bridge obstacles such as rivers, ditches, and trenches, providing a critical advantage for military operations.(AVLB能够架桥跨越河流、沟渠和战壕等障碍物,为军事行动提供重要的优势。)
  4. The AVLB capability greatly enhances the mobility and flexibility of armored units on the battlefield.(AVLB的能力极大地提高了装甲部队在战场上的机动性和灵活性。)
  5. The AVLB unit was responsible for rapidly bridging the gap between the two sides of the conflict zone.(AVLB部队负责快速架设连接冲突区两侧的桥梁。)
