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1. 读音


2. 词性


3. 中文翻译和网络释义



4. 例句及用法

1. The presence of Aeromonas bacteria in the water indicates poor water quality.


2. The doctors are treating the patient for an Aeromonas infection.


3. The researchers are studying the genetics of Aeromonas bacteria.


4. The lab technician is isolating Aeromonas colonies from a water sample.


5. The fishermen were warned about the potential presence of Aeromonas in the lake.


5. 短语搭配

1. Aeromonas infection: 厚壁菌属感染

例句:The swimmer developed an Aeromonas infection after swimming in contaminated water.


2. Aeromonas bacteria: 厚壁菌属细菌

例句:The researchers discovered a new species of Aeromonas bacteria in the river.


3. Aeromonas colony: 厚壁菌属菌落

例句:The lab technician counted the number of Aeromonas colonies on the agar plate.


4. Aeromonas species: 厚壁菌属物种

例句:There are multiple Aeromonas species that can cause infections in humans.


5. Aeromonas outbreak: 厚壁菌属爆发

例句:The health department is investigating an Aeromonas outbreak in a local swimming pool.

