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中文翻译:美国航空乘务员协会(Association of Professional Flight Attendants)


4. 例句及用法

1. The APFA negotiated a new contract with the airline management.


2. The APFA represents flight attendants from various airlines.


3. The APFA provides support and resources for its members.


4. She has been a member of the APFA for over 10 years.


5. The APFA works to protect the rights and benefits of flight attendants.


5. 短语搭配

1. APFA contract negotiations


例句:The APFA contract negotiations have been going on for months.


2. APFA membership benefits


例句:Joining APFA has many membership benefits, such as discounted travel and insurance coverage.


3. APFA leadership team


例句:The APFA leadership team is responsible for making important decisions on behalf of the flight attendants.


4. APFA annual conference


例句:Attending the APFA annual conference is a great opportunity to network with fellow flight attendants.


5. APFA representation


例句:Flight attendants rely on APFA representation to advocate for their rights and interests.

