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n. (名词)



网络释义:AFLCLO是自动飞行机载计算机主任联络官(Automatic Flight Lead Computer Liaison Officer)的缩写,是指负责与机载计算机进行联络和指挥,并确保其正常运行的人员。


1. The AFLCLO was responsible for coordinating the activities of the on-board computers.


2. The AFLCLO needs to ensure that the flight computers are functioning properly.


3. The AFLCLO worked closely with the computer technicians to troubleshoot any issues.


4. The AFLCLO was in charge of updating the software on the flight computers.


5. The AFLCLO conducted regular inspections to ensure the proper functioning of the flight computers.



1. Flight computer

例句:The AFLCLO is responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting the flight computers.


2. On-board computer

例句:The AFLCLO coordinates with the technicians to ensure the smooth operation of the on-board computers.


3. Liaison officer

例句:The AFLCLO acts as a liaison officer between the pilot and the flight computers.


4. Computer technician

例句:The AFLCLO works closely with the computer technicians to troubleshoot any issues.


5. Software update

例句:The AFLCLO ensures that the software on the flight computers is regularly updated.

