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1. 读音


2. 词性


3. 中文翻译和网络释义


网络释义:Association for Project Management Professionals (APMP) is the worldwide professional body for project management, providing professional certification, education, and resources.

4. 例句及用法

1. I am studying to become an APMP certified project manager.


2. The APMP conference is a great opportunity to network with other project management professionals.


3. The APMP certification will enhance my career prospects and open up new opportunities.


4. The APMP exam is challenging, but with enough preparation, I believe I can pass it.


5. The APMP course covers a wide range of topics related to project management.


5. 短语搭配

1. APMP certification


- Example: He proudly displayed his APMP certification on his office wall.


2. APMP conference


- Example: I'm looking forward to attending the APMP conference next month.


3. APMP membership


- Example: As an APMP member, you gain access to exclusive resources and networking opportunities.


4. APMP exam


- Example: I have been studying diligently for the APMP exam and hope to pass it on my first try.


5. APMP course


- Example: The APMP course provided me with valuable knowledge and skills for project management.

