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1. 读音


2. 词性

noun (名词)

3. 中文翻译和网络释义


4. 例句及用法

1. The dumpster was filled with piles of ASTE.
2. The city has a problem with illegal dumping of ASTE.
3. We need to find a way to reduce the amount of ASTE we produce.
4. The company is working on developing new technologies to recycle ASTE.
5. Proper disposal of ASTE is important for environmental sustainability.

5. 短语搭配

1. ASTE disposal(废物处理)
Example: The government has implemented strict regulations for ASTE disposal.
2. ASTE management(废物管理)
Example: The company has hired a team to handle ASTE management.
3. ASTE recycling(废物回收)
Example: The city encourages citizens to participate in ASTE recycling programs.
4. ASTE reduction(废物减量)
Example: The school has implemented measures to promote ASTE reduction among students.
5. ASTE disposal site(废物处理场)
Example: The new ASTE disposal site will be located outside the city limits.
