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ADIZ [ˈædɪz]




中文翻译:防空识别区;网络释义:Air Defense Identification Zone.


1. The military aircraft entered the ADIZ without permission.


2. All commercial flights must adhere to the regulations of the ADIZ.


3. The country decided to establish an ADIZ to strengthen its defense capabilities.


4. The pilot was warned when he flew close to the ADIZ boundary.


5. The military scrambled fighter jets to intercept the unidentified aircraft entering the ADIZ.



1. establish an ADIZ(建立防空识别区)

The government decided to establish an ADIZ in response to increased security threats.


2. violate an ADIZ(违反防空识别区规定)

The aircraft was intercepted and escorted out of the ADIZ after violating it.


3. enter an ADIZ(进入防空识别区)

The fighter jets were scrambled when the unidentified aircraft entered the ADIZ.


4. enforce an ADIZ(执行防空识别区规定)

The military has been tasked with enforcing the ADIZ and ensuring compliance from all aircraft.


5. respect an ADIZ(尊重防空识别区)

Pilots are reminded to respect the boundaries of the ADIZ and seek permission before entering.

