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ASCO的读音为 /ˈæskoʊ/


ASCO是一个名词,表示美国临床肿瘤学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology)。


1. The annual ASCO conference is the largest gathering of oncology professionals in the world.(每年一次的ASCO会议是世界上最大的肿瘤专业人士聚会。)

2. Many groundbreaking cancer research studies are presented at ASCO.(许多具有开创性的癌症研究成果在ASCO上被提出。)

3. The latest treatment advancements in oncology were discussed at the ASCO symposium.(最新的肿瘤治疗进展在ASCO研讨会上被讨论。)

4. The ASCO guidelines provide recommendations for the treatment of different types of cancer.(ASCO指南为不同类型的癌症治疗提供了建议。)

5. The ASCO journal publishes cutting-edge research articles in the field of oncology.(ASCO杂志在肿瘤学领域发表尖端研究文章。)


1. ASCO conference(ASCO会议)

2. ASCO guidelines(ASCO指南)

3. ASCO symposium(ASCO研讨会)

4. ASCO journal(ASCO杂志)

5. ASCO abstract(ASCO摘要)

1. The latest research findings were presented at the ASCO conference.(最新的研究发现在ASCO会议上被呈现。)

2. Doctors follow the ASCO guidelines to provide the best treatment options for their patients.(医生遵循ASCO指南为患者提供最佳治疗选择。)

3. Experts from around the world gathered at the ASCO symposium to discuss the future of cancer treatment.(来自世界各地的专家汇聚在ASCO研讨会上讨论癌症治疗的未来。)

4. The latest research articles were published in the ASCO journal, shedding light on new advancements in oncology.(最新的研究文章发表在ASCO杂志上,揭示了肿瘤学领域的新进展。)

5. The ASCO abstract summarized the key findings of the study in a concise manner.(ASCO摘要以简洁的方式总结了研究的关键发现。)
