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Aegipan的中文翻译是什么: 解密神祇Aegipan的中文名称







网络释义:a minor rustic fertility god, usually depicted as a man with the horns, ears, and legs of a goat or a satyr.


1. Aegipan was often depicted with the body of a man and the horns, ears, and legs of a goat.


2. The ancient Greeks believed that Aegipan was a deity of rustic fertility.


3. The story of Aegipan is often associated with the god Pan.


4. Aegipan is one of the lesser-known gods in Greek mythology.


5. Many ancient artworks depict Aegipan in various poses and settings.



1. worship Aegipan


例句:The villagers gather at the temple to worship Aegipan every year.


2. praise Aegipan


例句:The poets wrote poems praising Aegipan's power and wisdom.


3. offer sacrifices to Aegipan


例句:The priests performed rituals and offered sacrifices to Aegipan during the harvest festival.


4. invoke the name of Aegipan


例句:The desperate villagers would often invoke the name of Aegipan in times of trouble.


5. believe in the power of Aegipan


例句:The ancient Greeks believed in the healing and protective powers of Aegipan.

