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网络释义:a bitter enemy; an opponent


1. He has always been my akrit in the world of business. (他一直是我商界的对手。)

2. The team is preparing to face their akrit in the final match. (这个队伍正在准备迎接决赛中的对手。)

3. My brother and I used to be akrits growing up, but now we are best friends. (我和我的兄弟在成长过程中一直是对手,但现在我们是最好的朋友。)

4. The two countries have been akrits for decades, constantly engaging in conflicts. (这两个国家几十年来一直是敌对状态,不断发生冲突。)

5. The akrits on the battlefield fought fiercely against each other. (战场上的敌人彼此激烈地战斗着。)


1. arch-rival: a strong competitor or opponent

Example: The two companies have been arch-rivals in the market for years. (这两家公司在市场上多年来一直是死对头。)

2. bitter enemy: a person or group that is considered a strong opponent

Example: The two nations were once bitter enemies, but now they have formed an alliance. (这两个国家曾经是死敌,但现在它们建立了联盟。)

3. fierce competitor: a person or company that competes aggressively and strongly

Example: The new product has attracted the attention of fierce competitors in the industry. (这个新产品引起了行业内激烈竞争对手的关注。)

4. arch-enemy: a chief or principal enemy

Example: The superhero's arch-enemy always comes up with evil plans to try to defeat him. (超级英雄的主要敌人总是想出邪恶计划来试图打败他。)

5. tough adversary: a challenging opponent or competitor

Example: The chess champion found himself facing a tough adversary in the final match. (象棋冠军发现自己在决赛中面对一个强大的对手。)
