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1. 读音

AFIC [ˈæfɪk]

2. 词性


3. 中文翻译和网络释义


网络释义:AFIC可以是美国房屋保险公司(American Family Insurance Company)的缩写;也可以是“澳大利亚金融服务与投资委员会”(Australian Financial Services and Investment Commission)的缩写。

4. 例句及用法

1. She works for AFIC, an insurance company based in the United States.(她在美国一家名为AFIC的保险公司工作。)

2. The AFIC is responsible for regulating the financial services industry in Australia.(AFIC负责监管澳大利亚的金融服务行业。)

3. My friend just got a job at AFIC as a claims adjuster.(我的朋友刚在AFIC找到了一份理赔员的工作。)

4. We need to contact AFIC to file a claim for the damage to our house.(我们需要联系AFIC来申请房屋损坏的赔偿。)

5. AFIC offers a wide range of insurance options to meet different needs.(AFIC提供多种不同的保险选择,以满足不同的需求。)

5. 短语搭配

1. AFIC coverage(AFIC保险覆盖)

例句:I have AFIC coverage for my car, so I don't have to worry about accidents.(我的车有AFIC的保险覆盖,所以我不用担心发生事故。)

2. AFIC policy(AFIC保险政策)

例句:Before signing up for AFIC policy, make sure you understand all the terms and conditions.(在参加AFIC的保险政策之前,确保你理解所有的条款和条件。)

3. AFIC claim(AFIC理赔)

例句:He submitted an AFIC claim for the damage to his house caused by a storm.(他因房屋被暴风雨破坏而提交了一个AFIC的理赔申请。)

4. AFIC premium(AFIC保险费)

例句:The AFIC premium for my health insurance has increased this year.(今年我健康保险的AFIC保险费增加了。)

5. AFIC customer(AFIC客户)

例句:As an AFIC customer, you have access to 24/7 customer support.(作为AFIC的客户,您可以随时获得24/7的客户支持。)
