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ASAC的中文翻译是什么 = ASAC中文翻译介绍

1. 读音:

ASAC [ˈeɪsæk]

2. 词性:


3. 中文翻译和网络释义:

中文翻译:ASAC是“Advanced System Analysis and Control”的缩写,意为“高级系统分析与控制”。


4. 例句:

1. The ASAC team conducted a thorough analysis of the system's performance.(ASAC团队对系统的性能进行了彻底的分析。)

2. The ASAC software provides advanced control capabilities for industrial processes.(ASAC软件为工业过程提供了先进的控制能力。)

3. I attended a seminar on ASAC techniques and learned about the latest research in the field.(我参加了一次关于ASAC技术的研讨会,了解了该领域的最新研究成果。)

4. The ASAC algorithm helped optimize the performance of the robotic arm.(ASAC算法有助于优化机器人臂的性能。)

5. The ASAC approach has proven to be effective in reducing energy consumption.(ASAC方法在减少能源消耗方面被证明是有效的。)

5. 短语搭配:

1. ASAC techniques(ASAC技术)

例句:The engineers used ASAC techniques to analyze and improve the efficiency of the power plant.(工程师们使用ASAC技术来分析和提高发电厂的效率。)

2. ASAC software(ASAC软件)

例句:The company developed a new ASAC software that provides real-time monitoring and control of the manufacturing process.(该公司开发了一款新的ASAC软件,可以实时监控和控制制造过程。)

3. ASAC algorithm(ASAC算法)

例句:The researchers are working on improving the ASAC algorithm to achieve better performance in complex systems.(研究人员正在努力改进ASAC算法,以在复杂系统中实现更好的性能。)

4. ASAC approach(ASAC方法)

例句:The ASAC approach has been widely adopted in the field of environmental monitoring for its effectiveness in data analysis.(ASAC方法在环境监测领域得到了广泛应用,因为它在数据分析方面具有高效性。)

5. ASAC team(ASAC团队)
