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APAU的读音是 /ə'paʊ/。




APAU的中文翻译是“亚太政府会计协会”(Asia-Pacific Association of Government Accountants)。



1. The conference was organized by APAU to discuss the latest trends in government accounting.


2. As a member of APAU, I have access to a network of government accountants from all over the Asia-Pacific region.


3. The APAU annual conference is a great opportunity for government accountants to exchange ideas and best practices.


4. APAU provides training programs and certifications for government accountants to enhance their professional skills.


5. The APAU journal publishes research papers and articles related to government accounting.



1. APAU conference(APAU会议)

例句:I will be attending the APAU conference next week to present my research on government financial reporting.(我将参加下周的APAU会议,介绍我的政府财务报告研究。)

2. APAU membership(APAU会员资格)

例句:By obtaining APAU membership, you can enjoy various benefits such as access to professional resources and networking opportunities.(通过获得APAU会员资格,您可以享受各种好处,如获取专业资源和建立人脉的机会。)

3. APAU certification(APAU认证)

例句:To enhance your career prospects in government accounting, it is recommended to pursue APAU certification.(为了提升在政府会计领域的职业前景,建议您追求APAU认证。)

4. APAU journal(APAU杂志)

例句:The latest edition of the APAU journal features research articles on public sector financial management.(APAU杂志的最新版刊登了关于公共部门财务管理的研究文章。)

5. APAU network(APAU网络)

例句:Joining the APAU network can provide you with valuable connections and opportunities for collaboration.(加入APAU网络可以为您提供宝贵的联系和合作机会。)
