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ACCV(Asian Conference on Computer Vision):亚洲计算机视觉会议,是计算机视觉领域的国际学术会议之一,旨在促进亚洲地区计算机视觉领域的研究与发展。


1. ACCV is a prestigious conference in the field of computer vision.


2. Many researchers submit their papers to ACCV for review.


3. The ACCV conference attracted experts and scholars from around the world.


4. I presented my research findings at the ACCV conference.


5. The ACCV conference provided a platform for researchers to exchange ideas and collaborate.



1. attend ACCV(参加ACCV会议)

例句:I am planning to attend ACCV next year to learn about the latest developments in computer vision.


2. submit a paper to ACCV(将论文提交到ACCV)

例句:I am going to submit my research paper to ACCV for consideration.


3. present at ACCV(在ACCV上展示)

例句:I have been invited to present at ACCV this year.


4. publish in ACCV proceedings(在ACCV论文集中发表)

例句:My research paper was accepted and will be published in the ACCV proceedings.


5. collaborate with ACCV organizers(与ACCV组织者合作)

例句:I had the opportunity to collaborate with the ACCV organizers on organizing a workshop.

