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ABDL [ eɪ.bi.di.ɛl ]




中文翻译:ABDL (Adult Baby / Diaper Lover) 即成人婴儿 / 尿布爱好者



1. She enjoys the ABDL lifestyle and often wears diapers as a form of self-expression. (她喜欢成人婴儿/尿布爱好者的生活方式,经常穿尿布以表达自我。)

2. The ABDL community provides a supportive environment for people with similar interests. (ABDL社区为拥有相似兴趣的人们提供了一个支持性的环境。)

3. Some ABDL individuals enjoy role-playing as babies and being cared for by a caregiver. (一些成人婴儿/尿布爱好者喜欢扮演婴儿的角色,并接受照料者的照顾。)

4. ABDL is a personal lifestyle choice and should be respected as long as it doesn't harm others. (ABDL是个人的生活选择,只要不伤害他人,应该予以尊重。)

5. The ABDL community organizes events and meet-ups for like-minded individuals to connect and share their experiences. (ABDL社区组织活动和聚会,让志同道合的人们可以互相交流和分享经验。)


1. ABDL lifestyle: 成人婴儿/尿布爱好者的生活方式

例句:He embraces the ABDL lifestyle and incorporates it into his everyday routines. (他接受了成人婴儿/尿布爱好者的生活方式,并将其融入了他的日常生活中。)

2. ABDL community: 成人婴儿/尿布爱好者社区

例句:The ABDL community offers a safe and welcoming space for individuals to connect and share their interests. (成人婴儿/尿布爱好者社区为个人提供了一个安全和友好的空间,使他们可以互相交流和分享兴趣。)

3. ABDL role-playing: 成人婴儿/尿布爱好者角色扮演

例句:They enjoy engaging in ABDL role-playing scenarios to explore their desires and fantasies. (他们喜欢参与成人婴儿/尿布爱好者的角色扮演场景,以探索自己的欲望和幻想。)

4. ABDL events: 成人婴儿/尿布爱好者活动

例句:The ABDL community organizes regular events for its members to socialize and connect with others who share their interests. (ABDL社区定期组织活动,供其会员社交和与其他拥有共同兴趣的人交流。)

5. ABDL caregiver: 成人婴儿/尿布爱好者照料者

例句:Some ABDL individuals seek a caregiver who can provide them with the nurturing and care they desire. (一些成人婴儿/尿布爱好者寻求一个可以提供他们所需的培育和关爱的照料者。)
