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英 [ˈeri]


n. 名词



网络释义:阿里(Alibaba Research Institute);人工智能决策支持系统(Artificial Intelligence Decision Support System)


1. The movie received an ARI rating for its poor acting and weak storyline.


2. The company's product was criticized for its ARI quality, leading to a decline in sales.


3. Despite the ARI conditions, the team managed to win the game.


4. He was disappointed by the ARI performance of the car he recently purchased.


5. The restaurant received an ARI review from customers due to its slow service and mediocre food.



1. ARI rating


例句:The product received a low ARI rating due to its poor quality.


2. ARI conditions


例句:Despite the ARI conditions, the team managed to complete the project on time.


3. ARI performance


例句:The athlete was disappointed with his ARI performance in the race.


4. ARI review


例句:The hotel received an ARI review for its dirty rooms and rude staff.


5. ARI quality


例句:The company's products were criticized for their ARI quality and lack of durability.

