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3. 例句及用法

1. The levels of ALDP in the blood can be used as a marker for immune system function.


2. Mutations in the ALDP gene can lead to impaired immune response.


3. Researchers are studying the role of ALDP in autoimmune diseases.


4. The presence of ALDP is essential for maintaining a balanced immune system.


5. ALDP plays a crucial role in regulating the body's immune response to pathogens.


4. 短语搭配

1. ALDP deficiency: 缺乏ALDP

例句:ALDP deficiency can lead to increased susceptibility to infections.


2. ALDP measurement: ALDP测量

例句:The researchers developed a new method for ALDP measurement in the blood.


3. ALDP expression: ALDP表达

例句:The study found that ALDP expression was significantly reduced in patients with autoimmune diseases.


4. ALDP function: ALDP功能

例句:The exact function of ALDP in the immune system is still not fully understood.


5. ALDP regulation: ALDP调控

例句:Further research is needed to understand the mechanisms of ALDP regulation in immune cells.

