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/ˌeɪ diː ˈtiː/




中文翻译:抽象数据类型(Abstract Data Type)



1. The ADT for a list can include operations such as append, delete, and retrieve.


2. In computer science, ADTs are used to define the behavior of data structures.


3. The ADT provides an interface for users to interact with the data structure.


4. Different programming languages may have different implementations of the same ADT.


5. Understanding ADTs is important for designing efficient algorithms and data structures.



1. ADT specification: 定义ADT(Abstract Data Type)

例句:The ADT specification includes a list of operations that can be performed on the data structure.


2. ADT implementation: 实现ADT(Abstract Data Type)

例句:The ADT implementation determines how the data structure is actually implemented in a programming language.


3. ADT interface: ADT接口(Abstract Data Type)

例句:The ADT interface specifies the methods and functions that can be used to interact with the data structure.


4. ADT design: ADT设计(Abstract Data Type)

例句:Good ADT design involves considering the requirements of the system and choosing appropriate data structures and operations.


5. ADT hierarchy: ADT层次结构(Abstract Data Type)

例句:In an ADT hierarchy, more specialized ADTs can inherit properties and behaviors from more general ADTs.

