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1. 读音

ADWKP: /ædwəkəp/

2. 词性


3. 中文翻译和网络释义


网络释义:a memorandum or note that reminds someone to do something or provides them with information.

4. 例句及用法

1. I wrote an ADWKP to remind myself to buy groceries on the way home.


2. The team created an ADWKP for emergency situations.


3. My boss sent me an ADWKP about the upcoming meeting.


4. I keep all my ADWKPs in a folder on my computer.


5. She forgot to write an ADWKP for her dentist appointment.


5. 短语搭配

1. make an ADWKP(制定一个备忘录)

- I'll make an ADWKP to remind myself to call the client tomorrow.


2. follow an ADWKP(遵循备忘录)

- It's important to follow the ADWKP to ensure everything is done correctly.


3. update an
