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网络释义:1. 副官, 助手; 2. 检举人, 举报人; 3. 总务员, 干事; 4. 沙皇俄国的市长; 5. 沙皇俄国省级政府首脑


1. The adjutant helps the commander coordinate military operations.
[中文翻译] 副官帮助指挥官协调军事行动。

2. He served as the adjutant to the general during the war.
[中文翻译] 他在战争期间担任将军的副官。

3. The adjutant is responsible for managing administrative tasks in the unit.
[中文翻译] 副官负责管理单位的行政任务。

4. The adjutant prepares reports and briefings for the commander.
[中文翻译] 副官为指挥官准备报告和简报。

5. The adjutant assists in the planning and execution of military exercises.
[中文翻译] 副官协助军事演习的规划和执行。


1. adjutant general:a senior administrative officer in a military organization
例句:The adjutant general is responsible for overseeing personnel and administrative matters.
[中文翻译] 总务长负责监督人事和行政事务。

2. adjutant bird:a large wading bird with a long neck and legs, found in parts of Asia and Africa
例句:The adjutant bird is a rare species that is threatened by habitat loss.
[中文翻译] 副官鸟是一种罕见的物种,受到栖息地丧失的威胁。

3. adjutant court:a court that handles minor criminal offenses
例句:The case was referred to the adjutant court for a trial.
[中文翻译] 案件被提交给副官法庭进行审判。

4. adjutant sergeant:a noncommissioned officer who assists a commissioned officer
例句:The adjutant sergeant is responsible for relaying orders to the soldiers.
[中文翻译] 副官中士负责将命令传达给士兵。

5. adjutant staff:a group of officers who assist a commanding officer
例句:The adjutant staff meets regularly to discuss operational plans.
[中文翻译] 副官参谋定期举行会议讨论作战计划。
