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AAEC的读音是 /ˌeɪ.ˌeɪ.ˌiː.ˈsiː/。


AAEC是一个名词,表示“美国农业经济学会”(Agricultural and Applied Economics Association)。




1. The AAEC conference is a great opportunity for researchers to present their findings.


2. She became a member of AAEC after completing her PhD in agricultural economics.


3. The AAEC journal publishes articles on various topics related to agricultural economics.


4. The AAEC annual meeting attracts scholars and practitioners from around the world.


5. AAEC provides grants and scholarships to support students studying agricultural economics.



1. AAEC conference: The annual AAEC conference is a gathering of agricultural economists from around the world.


2. AAEC membership: Being a member of AAEC allows you to network with other professionals in the field.


3. AAEC journal: The latest issue of the AAEC journal features research on sustainable agriculture.


4. AAEC scholarship: She received an AAEC scholarship to pursue her studies in agricultural economics.


5. AAEC research: The AAEC research department focuses on analyzing the effects of government policies on agricultural markets.

