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3. 中文翻译和网络释义

中文翻译:抽象状态机(Abstract State Machine)


4. 例句及用法

1. The programmer used ASM to optimize the performance of the software.


2. The research team used ASM to model the behavior of the complex system.


3. The ASM framework allows for easy simulation and analysis of system behavior.


4. The lecture focused on the theoretical foundations of ASM.


5. Understanding ASM is essential for designing efficient algorithms.


5. 短语搭配

1. ASM language

例句:The program was written in ASM language for better control over hardware.


2. ASM code

例句:The debuggers were used to analyze the ASM code and identify any errors.


3. ASM simulator

例句:The students used an ASM simulator to practice programming with abstract state machines.


4. ASM design

例句:The ASM design was carefully reviewed by the team before implementation.


5. ASM analysis

例句:The ASM analysis revealed a flaw in the algorithm, leading to a more efficient solution.


6. 标签说明

