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中文翻译:美国协会身体活动与康复学院(American Association of Adapted Sports Programs)



1. The AASC organizes adaptive sports programs for individuals with disabilities.


2. My cousin is a member of the AASC and participates in wheelchair basketball.


3. The AASC provides support and funding for adaptive sports clubs across the country.


4. I attended a conference organized by the AASC to learn more about inclusive sports programs.


5. The AASC is actively involved in advocating for equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities.



1. AASC conference


Example: I'm excited to attend the AASC conference next week. It will be a great opportunity to network with professionals in adapted sports.


2. AASC membership


Example: Joining AASC membership gives you access to their resources and support network.


3. AASC program


Example: The AASC program offers a variety of adaptive sports activities for people with disabilities.


4. AASC partnership


Example: The AASC has formed a partnership with local schools to promote inclusive sports programs.


5. AASC resources


Example: The AASC provides a wide range of resources for coaches and athletes in the disability sports community.

