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ADGB的读音为 /ædʒ.biː/



网络释义:ADGB是英国防空部队(Air Defence of Great Britain)的缩写。


1. The ADGB is responsible for protecting the country's airspace. (ADGB负责保卫国家的领空。)

2. The ADGB has intercepted several unidentified aircrafts this week. (ADGB本周已拦截了几架未知飞机。)

3. The ADGB is always on high alert to respond to any potential threats. (ADGB始终保持高度戒备,以应对任何潜在威胁。)

4. The ADGB uses advanced radar systems to detect and track incoming aircraft. (ADGB使用先进的雷达系统来探测和追踪进入领空的飞机。)

5. The ADGB works closely with other military units to ensure a coordinated defense strategy. (ADGB与其他军事单位密切合作,确保协调一致的防御策略。)


1. ADGB headquarters: ADGB总部

例句:The ADGB headquarters is located in a secure and undisclosed location. (ADGB总部设在一个安全而秘密的地点。)

2. ADGB operations: ADGB行动

例句:The ADGB operations are classified and closely monitored by intelligence agencies. (ADGB的行动是机密的,并受到情报机构的密切监控。)

3. ADGB personnel: ADGB人员

例句:The ADGB personnel undergo rigorous training to ensure their readiness for any situation. (ADGB人员接受严格的训练,以确保他们对任何情况的应对能力。)

4. ADGB exercises: ADGB演习

例句:The ADGB conducts regular exercises to test its capabilities and improve coordination. (ADGB定期进行演习,测试其能力并提高协调性。)

5. ADGB deployment: ADGB部署

例句:The ADGB has increased its deployment of interceptor aircraft in response to heightened security concerns. (由于安全担忧加剧,ADGB增加了拦截飞机的部署。)
